Monday, March 22, 2010

Into the Rabbit Hole Pt.2

So this weekend My boyfriend and I did mushrooms as planned. It was absolutely amazing. 

We started off making some mushroom tea with 2 grams. We split it between us and put on Pink Floyds "The Wall" (which for the record is epic) I mostly just felt a body buzz and noticed my thoughts shifting slightly. About an hour or so later we divided up the rest of them (about 2 grams each) and ate them. We watched a little bit of clockwork orange, but once they started to peak for me, the movie was giving me strange vibes, not to mention I started getting visuals and the color kept changing and warping. We ended up switching the movie to Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas. But didnt start it right away.

We were wandering around the house a bit and I kept walking down the hall to my boyfriend, and I Couldn't stop Giggling. Everything was silly, and Every time I looked at My boyfriend I would burst out laughing. We Eventually made our way back to the couch and started the movie. As the movie went on I began to peak. This made the movie Even more of a mind fuck. 

For a while my brain didnt want to believe that the mushrooms were actually responsible for the things I was seeing, I was convinced that they were in the movie. Until I made a trip to the washroom later on did I realize that it WAS the mushrooms causing things to move and look warped. Walking down the hallway was neat because the walls were slanted. I stood in the washroom looking at the door for quite a while before I remembered why I was there. All lines were rounded and curved. the door was a big rounded shape and the squares were moving around. I wasn't scared at all like I thought I would be. It was a calm feeling instead of being uncomfortable. I felt a sense of closeness with everyone and everything around me. 

While watching the Movie I felt like I could understand everything better, yet nothing really made sense. I felt a deep connection with the characters and felt like I finally understood... I don't know exactly what I understood, but I just did. I noticed that My thoughts came much more smoothly and other things in society and my own life came together. 

I kept thinking to myself that Everyone needed to experience something like this, I felt such an understanding of the world and felt I had found something greater than I had ever imagined.

Before Doing them I had asked a close friend of mine to give me an idea of what It would be like. She said things like " you become very lovable. you wanna be around the ones you love. not necessarily touch them, but you want them there. you need someone to talk to.." which was very true for me. I felt super close to My boyfriend and as we came down it intensified for me. We spent the end of the night close, and cuddling, which felt amazing.

"Mushrooms are weird though.. you feel like you definately are in control. Just clumsy.. and silly. At least for me, I always feel like i'm a kid again. You know... unaware of the objects around me but it's adventurous. and you feel brave and wanna conquer stuff and discover things...You're in control.. you just see things in a different point of view.. and colour and shape and texture

 Mushrooms make you think weird things.. so it may seem like you're not in control. But all the things you think, you've thoughts before. I find that acid makes you think new weird shit but mushrooms just brings memories back and you dwell on those.. so it's not really anything new

  mushrooms also makes you feel like major deja vu.
  you've thought and said everything before"

At one point I grabbed socks because my feet were super cold. I have these ones with wavy stripes on them. I stretched them out and again, couldn't stop laughing. Then I realized this was exactly what she was talking about. I felt like I was discovering something new, and it was really exiting and fun. I wish I had done more "discovering" but I was having a great time just hanging out and watching the movie, as the movie was crazy. 

All together I had a super fun time and Would definitly do them again! I think I will probly stick to about 2 grams as I had alot of fun without being overwhelmed, but would be willing to try a little more next time to see how much different It would be. 

Even after I came down and now, I feel like I have a much better outlook on life and the world. I had some great realizations about my life and my mindset has changed for the better.

I wish I had tried them sooner but I also realize that It had to be when I was ready!

I cant wait to try them again!

Maybe For My boyfriend and I's 2 year Anniversary which is Comming up soon?

Whats next on my list? I have no idea, but I'm a lot less intimidated to try things now. 

I highly recommend mushrooms for anyone looking for a spiritual experience.

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